Nursery Environment
Nursery Environment
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Toddler Environment
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Junior Kindy Environment
Learn MorePre-Kindy Environment
Pre-Kindy Environment
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Kindergarten Environment
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Nursery Environment
Our nursery is a nurturing and calm environment that reflects discovery, fun and developmental growth for babies from 6 weeks of age.
Our Educators possess the knowledge and skills to build responsive relationships with babies attending the service. With these strong relationships, children will feel confident to explore and learn. We all love messy and sensory play in this age group.
We value and respect our families who entrust their children to us and work hand in hand with them to uphold the routines established by them for their child, creating the best possible experience from the earliest days onward.
Toddler Environment
Our Toddler program focuses on creating a nurturing environment where children feel safe, secure and supported while developing confidence and independence in their emerging abilities. Even the youngest of children are provided with opportunities to extend their learning through interest-based play and enjoy many creative, sensory and exploratory learning experiences.
Our Educators gain a deep understanding of each child’s unique personality, culture and interests, and plan specific play-based learning opportunities catered to their individuality.
Learning opportunities are provided to build on and extend each child’s emerging intellectual, social, emotional, physical and language skills.

Junior Kindy Environment
Our Junior Kindy environment offers a range of captivating and exciting learning experiences addressing the holistic developmental aspects. Our Educators support children to start developing peer connections, strengthen their independence and foster their communication skills.
Junior Kindy implements a range of child-focused, planned and spontaneous learning experiences focusing on imaginary play, pre-literacy and numeracy in a meaningful context.
Children have opportunities to engage in a risk-taking learning environment in a calculated manner, supported by their Educators.
Pre-Kindy Environment
Our Pre-Kindy room is an exciting environment where our qualified and nurturing Educators support children’s social-emotional development and learning. The children learn through experimental play and begin to develop important life skills, including socialising, turn-taking, and developing their personal identity, sense of belonging and overall confidence.
Our children are empowered to follow and extend their own interests with enthusiasm in their learning environments. Educators listen intently to children’s ideas and discuss with them how these ideas might be developed and explored.
Children’s friendships and cooperative play skills are developing rapidly during this age, and our educational programs use peer interactions to extend children’s learning throughout all areas. Our Educators will model communication strategies to support children in initiating interactions and joining in play and social experiences in ways that sustain positive relationships with other children.

Kindergarten Environment
We provide a Government Approved Kindergarten program delivered by qualified Early Childhood Teachers. This supports our Kindergarten children’s smooth transition to school, which we plan in collaboration with local primary schools.
Our play-based learning environment allows children to develop fundamental life skills such as negotiating, cooperating, creating, imagining and solving problems. In the Kindergarten room children explore and investigate literacy, numeracy and STEM in a variety of meaningful ways. The children discuss their ideas with each other and the Educators, further extending them to investigate, explore and connect with others, including the broader community. These learning experiences boost social and emotional skills, self-awareness and respect for others.
Kindergarten children have a learning environment that supports their emotional regulation and self-help skills. They also follow a flexible routine autonomously.
Our Early Childhood Teachers plan a range of outdoor learning experiences to support children with their gross motor development, risk-taking, and team/group learning. We work very closely with local community agencies, such as TAFE and local schools.
Our planned and spontaneous learning experiences extend beyond the confines of indoor and outdoor environments to the broader community. A highlight of our program is implementing experiences at the local park and the ‘Creek-Kindy’ initiative, where our Kindergarten children engage in first-hand learning opportunities to foster environmental responsibility, enhance physical development and build a stronger sense of connectedness including first nation perspectives.

Shaded outdoor adventure playgrounds offer an ideal environment for children to have fun while learning, channeling their energy into exploration and hands-on experimentation.
The water parks and large sandpits also provide endless opportunities for fun and creative discovery.

Chef Prepared Meals
We believe that the early years are just so important when it comes to establishing healthy behaviours, as they pave the way for a lifetime of health and wellbeing.
Fresh nutritious food is prepared each day on-site by our Chef. Our menu regularly changes and includes a range of nutritious and culturally diverse choices. We provide morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, snacks, drinks and water.
Enrol with The Creek
If you would like to ask us any questions regarding what our centre has to offer, then feel free to give us a call today! You can reach us on (07) 5478 2315 and one of our friendly team members will gladly assist in any way they can.